18th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management
Venue: Constitution Club of India, New Delhi
WCEAM is the flagship event of ISEAM (International Society on Engineering Asset Management), providing a global platform to Academic and Industrial communities to present and discuss latest R&D in domains related to engineering, operations, and management of Engineering Assets and Public infrastructure.
WCEAM-2024, the 18th in the global series, and being hosted in 2024 in India, by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, covers a range of themes that are of timely importance to Asset Owners, Operators, Producers, Technology Developers, Service Providers, Public Institutions and the Academic & Research community world wide.
The conference is relevant for transportation, infrastructure, power, defence and MSME sectors with focus on topics relevant to the management of engineered assets (Industry 4.0 platforms, Digital transformation, IOT and applications of smart and intelligent Sensing and Instrumentation, Asset Condition Monitoring, Diagnostics, Prognostics and Asset Health Indexing, Digital twinning, Reliability and Resilience Engineering, Vulnerability assessments, Big Data Analytics and Decision Support Systems for Asset Management).
Former Secretary, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Advisor to Raksha Mantri, Government of India
Padma Shri (1998), Padmabhushan (2013)
Aerospace Engineering Asset Management
Dr. Kota Harinarayana
ADA Bangalore
Former Director, Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore
Former Vice Chancellor, Central University of Hyderabad
Program Director and Chief Designer of Light Combat Aircraft
Padma Shri, 2002
EAM of Smart City Projects in Madhya Pradesh
Mr. Nikunj Shrivastava
Government of Madhya Pradesh
Principal Secretary, Government of Madhya Pradesh
Planning and Management in the Cleanest City of India for the sixth consecutive year
Mr. Pushyamitra Bhargav
Mayor of Indore
Mayor - Indore
Ex Additional Advocate General, Indore Bench at Government of Madhya Pradesh
IT, IoT, AI-ML in IR
Shri GVL Satya Kumar
Centre for Railway Information Systems (CRIS)
Managing Director, Centre for Railway Information Systems (CRIS)
Automation and Digitalization
Prof. Len Gelman
University of Huddersfield, UK
Professor and Chair in Signal Processing and Condition Monitoring, Department of Engineering and Technology, University of Huddersfield, UK
Industry 4.0 and Beyond
Prof. Diego Galar
Sisteplant, Madrid, Spain
Director of Investigación Tecnológica, SistePlant, Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia, edif. 607.48160 Derio, Bizkaia edif. 607.48160 Derio, Bizkaia
The Engineering Asset Management Paradigm
Prof. Joseph Mathew
Brisbane, Australia
Professor and Chief Executive Officer at Asset Institute
OB and HR in Engineering Asset Management
Prof. Joe Amadi-Echendu
Pretoria, South Africa
Professor at the Graduate School of Engineering and Technology Management at University of Pretoria, South-Africa
Founding Director of the Institute of Engineering, Technology an innovation Management at the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Nepal Perspective: Infrastructure EAM
Prof. Pramod Shreshtha
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Professor, King Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Advisor UNDP
SE Asia Perspective: Environmental EAM
Prof. Nitin Kumar Tripathi
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok
Professor, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok
Power Plant Maintenance Engineering
Dr. Suri Ganeriwala
Virgina, USA
Founder and President at Spectra Quest, Inc, Richmond, Virginia, USA
Machine Learning in EAM
Prof. B R Upadhyaya
Tennessee, USA
Professor Emeritus at University of Tennessee USA
Recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Society of Engineering Asset Management (ISEAM)
Engineering Asset Management in Power Generation
Mr. Sanil Namboodiripad
Delhi, Oil and Natural Gas
Managing Director at ONGC Tripura Power Company Ltd.
MD at North East Transmission Company Limited (Additional Charge)
Rail Track Management Systems
Prof. Alireza Ahmadi
Kuwait University
Professor, Kuwait University
RAMS in Indian Railways
Dr. Anirudh Gautam
Lucknow, Railways
Executive Director at Research Designs & Standards Organization
Automation and Digitalization in Metro Rail Networks
Mr. Sanjay Kumar
Kochi. Metro Rail
Director, Kochi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (KMRCL)
EAM Perspective: Confederation of Indian Industries (CII)
Dr. P.J. Singh
Chandigarh, CII Punjab
Vice Chairman, CII Punjab
CMD, Tynor Orthotics India
Condition Monitoring of Machinery
Prof. A. R. Mohanty
IIT Kharagpur
Professor, Mechanical Engineering at IIT Kharagpur
Specializations: Machine Diagnostics, Signal Processing, NVH, CAE, and Underwater Acoustics
Over 100 publications, patents, and consultancy work for at least 50 companies
Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources: Indian Framework
Prof. Kanika Bahl
IIT Delhi
Professor, Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi
Asset Management in Armoured Vehicles
Prof. C. Sujatha
IIT Madras
Professor, Mechanical Engineering at IIT Madras
Integrated Engineering Asset Management
Mr. Subramanya Koodli
Dassault Systems India
Director, Consulting & System Integration Partners, Dassault Systems India
Industry 4.0 Platforms
Mr. Kalyan Ram Bhimavaram
CEO at Indxo AI Private limited
Chief Executive Officer at Indxo AI Private limited, Bangalore, India
Air Quality Sensing and Management
Prof. Mukesh Sharma
IIT Kanpur
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur
Research Interest: Environment Health, Air Quality Modelling and Management, Risk Assessment, Fate Processes of Organic Pollutants, Parameter Estimation
Namami Gange-
Ganga River Valley Management
Prof. Vinod Tare
IIT Kanpur
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur
Archaeological Assets and Conservation
Prof. Vibha Tripathi
BHU, Heritage S&T
Professor, Department of AIHC & Archeology, Banaras Hindu university, Varanasi
EAM focus of Gati Shakti
Prof Manoj Choudhary
Vice Chancellor, Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalaya
Vice Chancellor, Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalaya
Engineering, Operation and Management of Engineering Assets & Public Infrastructure
23 - 25 October | Constitution Club of India | New Delhi, India